Killers of the Flower Moon - Watch Online

Killers of the Flower Moon - Watch Online or Download Free.

Killers of the Flower Moon is a gripping new crime drama directed by legendary filmmaker Martin Scorsese. The film is based on David Grann's 2017 nonfiction book of the same name, which documents the chilling true story of the Osage murders in 1920s Oklahoma.

The Osage Nation possessed immense oil wealth on their reservation lands, which attracted unscrupulous attention. Members of the tribe began dying under mysterious circumstances, and the newly created FBI was called upon to investigate the string of murders.

What they uncovered was a sinister plot motivated by greed to seize control of the Osage's fortune by any means necessary.

Killers of the Flower Moon dives deep into this dark chapter of American history. Scorsese brings his mastery of film to expose the prejudice, corruption, and injustice that the Osage faced even in death.

Detailed Killers of the Flower Moon Review

Build-Up and Introducing the Osage Nation

The film opens in the 1910s, introducing the Osage Nation and their reservation in Oklahoma. We're given breathtaking shots of the Great Plains and learn how the Osage lived - their customs, spiritual practices, and way of life before the oil boom.

When oil is discovered under their lands, the Osage transition from impoverished to some of the wealthiest people in America overnight. The oil reserves under their territory make the Osage the envy of white communities nearby.

We're introduced to the key Osage family - Mollie Burkhart and her three sisters. Mollie marries white settler Ernest Burkhart, played by Jesse Plemons. While Mollie embraces certain aspects of western life, she maintains her Osage traditions.

Killers of the Flower Moon The First Osage Murders

In 1921, Mollie's sister Anna is the first Osage to be killed. At her funeral, the FBI arrives, represented by director J. Edgar Hoover (John Lithgow). Hoover pledges justice, but locals are skeptical of his abilities and aware of how little regard the law has for Native lives.

More Osage are murdered or die under mysterious circumstances. Anyone who investigates meets an untimely demise as well. It becomes clear a sinister plot is targeting the Osage, taking over their oil headrights one by one.

Killers of the Flower Moon Enter Tom White on the Case

The FBI director assigns Tom White (Leonardo DiCaprio) to lead the case. A former Texas Ranger, White assembles a team and begins investigating Ana's murder, working with Osage representatives.

White experiences pushback from locals and even his own colleagues, who suggest he let the deaths of "a few Indians" go. But White perseveres, risking his career and his life chasing leads across the southwest.

Killers of the Flower Moon Linking the Murders to Prominent Locals

Through one informant, White learns the mastermind behind the murders is a powerful local tycoon, William Hale (Robert De Niro). Respected by the white community, Hale's upstanding reputation belies his true greed and criminality.

We learn Hale assembled a web of accomplices to marry Osage women, kill their relatives, and obtain the headrights. His network includes doctors, lawyers, and Mollie's husband Ernest Burkhart. Hale and his allies will stop at nothing, even systematic murder, to gain the oil wealth.

Killers of the Flower Moon The Stunning Courtroom Revelations

White's investigative work leads to the arrest of Ernest Burkhart. In an electrifying courtroom scene, Burkhart confesses and exposes the murderous plot.

Hale committed murder himself and used cronies like Burkhart to target the Osage. The extent of Hale's deception and corruption shocks the community. He's convicted for the crime.

But justice proves bittersweet. So many Osage lost their lives and families to greed. And many accomplices may never face punishment. The damage to the Osage Nation endures.

Killers of the Flower Moon Aftermath and Conclusion

We end at a gathering of the Osage Nation. They commemorate those lost in the murders but also celebrate their culture and heritage, which endure. The murders failed to destroy the Osage people.

Roll credits with real photos of Osage victims and their families, as well as investigators like White who risked all to uncover the truth.

Killers of the Flower Moon Overall Review

Killers of the Flower Moon succeeds at exposing this largely forgotten historical tragedy. Scorsese's direction is flawless and gripping. DiCaprio and De Niro deliver powerful performances. Moral complexity abounds - few characters are pure heroes or villains.

While dense with historical detail, the story's pacing keeps you invested. The stellar cinematography transports you right to 1920s Oklahoma. Screenwriter Eric Roth adeptly translated Grann's book to film.

At times unsettling, Killers of the Flower Moon deserves praise for spotlighting the Osage murders and the horrific greed behind them. The injustice resonates deeply, but the resilience of the Osage spirit prevails.

Scorsese has delivered another cinematic triumph, one that educates as much as it entertains. Killers of the Flower Moon brings history to life with immense skill. It's a chilling mystery, a scathing indictment of prejudice, and a tribute to culture surviving the most devastating challenges. This is a film not to be missed.

Be sure to catch Killers of the Flower Moon, in theaters now. Let the masterful filmmaking transport you back in time and deliver a riveting true story you won't forget. Download or stream the movie today and watch this shocking history exposed on film.


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